Sunday, March 31, 2013

Influencing the ROOT Chakra

 ROOT CHAKRA- Muladhara

The Root Chakra is the foundation of our security and is the support and backbone of our inner strength. It is the element of EARTH that supports this Chakra and helps us to stay focused and grounded. The Root Chakra is the first ring of our energetic ladder and if it is not stable we may become unsure about what we want and deserve from life. When we begin to honor and embrace all the genuine beauty that is within us, then we can affirm our right to a joyful and prosperous life. For our Root Chakra to be open and balance we must get rid of any self limiting ideas about who we believe ourselves to be. Remember......we do not need the approval of anyone, not our friends, family or loved ones. You are a perfect spark of the divine and should look deep within yourself for your truth. 
I recommend these crystals for you to work with during meditation to strengthen your ROOT Chakra.
- Ruby : This crystal represents the fire of life and spirit. It strengthens the heart and instills courage. Will fill and energize the body with a rich enthusiasm for life.
- Blood Stone: Works beautifully at opening the Root Chakra by dispelling negative energy which will eliminate any stagnant energy in this area.It is also a great stone to work with when you are not feeling well because it will infuse you with vitality and vigor.
-Hematite: This is the stone of wonders. It is the perfect grounding stone. It will keep you focused and assist you in moving forward.  
Affirmation:  I Trust Myself to Know and Live My Truth. I Know and Accept that I am Worthy of Love. I Am Secure in My Choices ~
In Radiant Love n Light
Karyn Annette